My feelings from the time Tim you came on here saying that you would have aset price that that was the wrong thing. To many variables in my book to set a price. That is why we have been doing an excell program and logging the work we do. We don't use a time clock and I know that there are hours/minutes that don't get logged but that is just the nature of the business and that we don't add hours either just to cya. We are honest with the local guys we are doing the work for and they are happy with that. We don't send out bills just make sure that the customer comes in and we keep them informed on the amount of the bill and they pay accordingly. I know that the posts about you going down are i hope just people thinking out loud and NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS WISH THAT ON YOU! I know that for my shop we are very comfortable with the work load we have. If we had more then we would have to hire more people and with todays market not worth it to hire someone to fill a postition in hope that you will need them for along time then take a chance that in 6months to a year they are let go. I hope that is where you guys are at and that you are using your heads and looking not just 6 months but years ahead. To me that is the sign of a good solid business.

Good luck and I hope all turns out for the best for you.

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