
Hey...Where the rear axle rebound bumpers go....LoL Just busting your chops !

Looks great, but I have one question...

Why is the factory type sealer a orangey/red colour? Wouldn't stone chips stand out more? I can understand the factory using red oxide, but most shops today using tintable primers choose a colour close to the base colour...Don't they?

Also you should have taken two minutes to remove the leftside exhaust hanger bracket and the rear flex hose bracket. Neither one of these items were installed at the factory prior to paint. FYI

This is the first LA built car that we have restored although we do have another LA built Cuda parts car in inventory.

This is todays catalized version of the red sealer used on LA cars. Actually, the bright lights in the booth and the flash make it look a lot brighter than it really is. Look at the roof for a closer color tone.

I'm a little out of my area of expertise here but we were told that this was the correct color seal to use with the paint to assure that the B7 actually ended up being B7 when we were finished. When compared to our color chart, the B7 is as exact as I can see with the naked eye.

I'm not the painter so it's what I understand that Roger Gibson told Mike to use. I'm pretty sure I have the story right.

Thanks for the heads up on the left exhaust bracket. We missed that since the right one is welded on, as is the flex hose bracket on the customer's car and our parts car. Would they have welded those on after painting? That seems strange.

I have pics of the car cleared inside and out in the sun but not yet buffed. I'll be posting those soon.

Martin, GA Quality Auto Restoration with Fair FIXED Pricing. Fast-N-Dangerous@comcast.net