

ok I guess I think I follow were you are going with this. Interested what others take on this.

My take reading these last comments is based on experience. Salesman in every business never tell the truth. When they say things are great, more business than we can handle, they usually are in finicial trouble and fold the tent in short order. I can't tell you how many times I have heard this line just before the end. I haven't a clue where this guy is at, but don't be surprised.

Just to be clear, I'm not a salesman and we are not closing the doors to everyone, just the ones we don't want to work with.

We own the shop, the land under it and all of our tools. I personally own several six pack and hemi Mopars.

In my experience, people who are in financial trouble take in as many jobs as they can get in order to rip people off - that's the exact opposite of what we are doing.

I challenge you to find anyone who's job we haven't finished and who was not 100% satisfied, excluding the few who ran out of money and could not afford to have their jobs finished.

We only had three guys to start with and we were right up front about that. Now there are only two of us and I personally can't do paint and body. Does it sound like we should be taking on more work or be able to do it faster now?