Originally Posted By RapidRobert
agreed, lets get the phasing corrected then we can get the vac can on the pass side clocked to where is has room to be moved back & forth a bit to set the initial & ideally you would like the #1 plug wire location in the cap to be facing forward toward the front of the car & a bit toward the pass side (on a SB) & lifting/reclocking the intergear locates this. this lets the plug wires nestle the neatest & be the shortest lengths possible. Not a dealbreaker by any means but something to keep in mind.

Well I got ricks modified reluctor installed this afternoon in the 15 degrees behind a tooth location, installed the distributor and fired it up and as I was trying to watch the rotor with the timing light I was hearing a strange noise coming from inside the distributor.
So I pulled it back out and took the cap off and knew inidiatley what I was hearing because there was little tiny metal shavings sticking to the magnet on the pick up coil.
Mind you I set every tooth at .008 with a brass feeler gauge and applied my mity vac to the vacuum advance to insure all 8 teeth were at .008 with vacuum applied as well.
Which doesn't really matter cause I didn't have the vacuum advance hooked up while watching the rotor this afternoon.
Anyways the problems there is a lot of slop on the top part of the distributor shaft that the reluctor slides on and that the rotor sits on.
So because of the place it's forcing the reluctor to smack the pickup coil post.
I did my best to measure the amount of play and it's right around .006 to .008.
So while it's running that reluctor is just wondering all over the place because of it.
Rick from firecore had called me earlier this week cause I had called firecore to discuss some of the movement I was feeling on the top half shaft of the distributor and he said that was normal advance mechanism movement.
Which I know now is not the case, the reluctor should not be hitting the pick up coil post.
This distributor doesn't even have 100 miles of run time and I've just had nothing but problems with it from day one, rotor phasing off so bad it's Miss firing like crazy, movement at the upper half of the distributor shaft.
I attempted to call Rick from firecore back this evening and got his voice mail.
I left a message explaining I'm having some issues with one of his distributors and that id like to discuss them with him.
It has a 1 year warranty so I'm hoping he will send me another unit that has a tight upper shaft on the distributor and being in phase would also be nice, if not I can phase it myself with the modified reluctor from the other Rick guy.
Very frustrating though, my truck has been down for weeks now cause of this distributor.

Last edited by pjc360; 09/16/17 10:33 PM.