






I cant believer you think its just that easy to bolt on a nitrous plate and go that fast....LOL

Those that have never used it always like to dis-credit the people using it to go fast. Im not discrediting anyone...Just stated who i thought had the fastest NSS car, and his haters jump right on that. meanwhile i really dont know any of these guys other than to maybe say hi. This site is more biased than i thought, because im getting PM's about voicing my opinion in here??? WOW ....
AND i know how hard it is to go 8 anything WITH OR WITHOUT nitrous...SO props to all the fast NSS cars out there getting it done while still maintaining that 1960's look.

Also accept my apology if you took my sarcasm the wrong way, just indicating that a lot of Mopar guys really are stuck in the 60's...in technology as well as mentally...LOL


PS...Just re-read your post, all i want is for the "haters" to see that yes SSR is going in the 8's with just an Indy head, very 1960's appearing car. Thats all...AND for the record, when i get on the same track/pits as SSR im going to show him what a real street car runs like

Yes your right he just broke into the 8's he went an 8.97 in Nov in great air and it was 55 deg out...

Tony we are waiting for your dart to take out that 1200 hp TS motor next season... His car was supposed to go 8.20's from what I recall reading under his car picture...

He went the 8.90's with the light blue 65 dodge. The black car has gone 8.50's and still tying to sort it out.

Did you see it run 8.50's?

DID YOU? I know I DIDN"T see it either but what's the point? This is a nice informative thread and now the doubting and question comment.

Do I have to send you back into your garage like I sent Al the other day?

LMFAO Ang im not AL ill send you somewhere else my friend... Dont kill this thread its going good..."ANYWAY BACK TO YOU JIM"

Sorry Rob! In keeping with the Christmas spirit I'm don't want thread to stop. Thats why I commented as I did.
This is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise rotten world.
I'm going back to the garage now to do more work on my car.
On another note lets ALL meet at the Beaver in July so all the really fast NSS cars can duke it out- East coast vs Mid west. OK?
BTW- Who's JIM?

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