
I dont know why you all are arguing about it. Rules are rules and Paul fits the rules for NSS and im sure you could too mike with a hood scoop change. How about you all bring them to the duell classic in beech bend or at the monster in indy and we will settle this up.

I want to rematch you Paul (in Sanders car). The last time we raced he went into a big wheelstand and went towards the wall. Your guys cars are neck and neck would be an awesome race. Also just announced NMCA has an 8.50 index now...

I am betting someone runs a 30 this year in that series...


Will they have a NSS class at Monster Indy? If so who's rules are they going to go by? The only issue I will have is rear tires other then that I believe my car will fit right in there with the rest of them.... What do you think?