
Back in 2000 I bought a second owner 1968 Hemi Charger that was all numbers matching with history to the original owner that need restoration. I began looking around for a judging manual for OEM cars. I just wanted to have a guideline to make sure I didn't spend time and money doing something wrong during resto to this great car.

One final point Darryl, read your above quote a few more times! Your appeal falls on deaf ears. You've had these cars since 2000. I didn't get my first Chrysler until 2002 and didn't even know HOW to spell MOPAR! Since that time I am on my third OE restored vehicle. The first two both won Gold awards in the OE Judging. I didn't have an OE Manual!! So whats your excuse? You have sat around for 10 years griping and complaining about how inept the OE program is because it won't "give" you a Manual. It all goes back to what I said in an earlier post, " The bottom line is that guys like you are looking for the easy way out. You are either too lazy to do the work..."

Where was the "Manual" for Paul Jacobs? He has more GOLD awards that anyone I know in the OE venue. If you want an "OE Manual" get off your rump and go make one! There have been plenty of people who have been successful without a "Manual" to this point. You want to know why? Because they made the commitment to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goal. You don't care about OE procedures Darryl! If you did.....YOU would be forging ahead and no one could stop you.