

How many pages before the mod locks this one up?? :hammer

For What?

I want to clear up a comment I made in a previous thread. Chrysler did not manufacture terrible vehicles! There were many cars that had built in variations due to human repetition and habits on the assembly line. There was another thread a few days ago where someone inquired about the correct direction of shackle bolts. Another member was kind enough to show a factory drawing that illustrated an exploded view of the shackle assembly. It showed the shackle bolt nuts facing to the inside of the vehicle. That is how the factory INTENDED for the vehicles to be built. On our valiant project the set up is opposite to what those drawings show. The attaching nuts are facing the OUTSIDE of the vehicle! It does not hurt or impede the functioning of the car but it is a deviation of the original engineering instructions. That type of "Confusion" characteristic will need to be shown to the judges in the photos that were taken during our documenting stage.

(Thanks for the conversation and correction Korey! I hope this clarifies the other post.)

Dave is dead on with this- even though the factory had an engineering drawing for the way things were supposed to be done, a factory worker did it the way he felt that day! That is, among other factors, why a complete black and white restoration book could never be written to encompass all areas of these cars. There is soooo much to still learn about these cars it's not funny. I believe, every year, that we mearly have scratched the surface of knowledge. I mean think about that statement for a minute. How many different models, and plants and date changes for components were there?!
I have seen the most absolute, absurd things while taking these cars apart, and most people as well as some judges, would cry foul if I took a car to a show with some of the mistakes the factory made. I have taken cars apart that had no heater hose brackets installed and they dang near layed on the manifolds, as well as cars with missing nuts on suspension parts-tell me how that passed inspection??