
Why would someone want a judging manual? It is simple, just as with other makes and models that have OE judging, they want everyone to have the items they will be judged on BEFORE they spend a bunch of time and money doing something wrong that will cost them points in judging. The others WANT people to be able to restore their cars to the best possible example for competition.....concrete rules as to how the car is judged rather than it being a total judgement call by a particular judge. It also allows for many more people to BE judges because there is a written format to follow.......

Your question/comments are in direct conflict with the premise and concept of OE judging. We are having a 10,000 mile 4 door Valiant being judged at the Nationals this year. Whose car should be used as the "benchmark"? Last years winner? Whose car should be the "line in the sand" for the car that we have over 2500 pictures of documentation? Should it be your car or maybe your friends car? What rules should be written in stone to go by during the judging process for MY car? Maybe you should start a POLL to see what everyone thinks!

The bottom line is that guys like you are looking for the easy way out. You are either too lazy to do the work or do not have the interest to see the project to the end. You would rather have someone else do your work for you because you don't have the patience it requires to finish the task! You can initiate all the POLLS you want in an attempt to gain support for trying to lower the bar and make it easier on yourself! OE Judging is for those who take the time to research and correctly document factory procedures. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen! It should never be compromised or water down to accommodate those who want to cut corners and cheat the process!