Scott, Mike Ross , Bill and all concerned.

I'm not trying to water down the OE judging etc. I agree with what the objectives are for anyone who works to achieve "OE-Gold" status for a car they are restoring. They are trying to duplicate the processes that went into producing a car just as it came off the Assembly Line. I applaude them for their efforts and I know how much work goes into restoring a car to try and achieve that level. Having put cars in the Mopar Nats Judging many years ago and having helped a friend who got a Silver Certificate on his Superbird in the OE Judging, I know about the efforts involved.

I also acknowledge the efforts of those who have established the standards for the judging of these vehicles. What a hard job they undertook.

The majority of us out there are not trying to achieve OE-Gold Status. We just want a car that is representative of what it was like when new. We like/want parts that have correct casting numbers, trademark logos etc. on our cars, but the "Build -Dates" aren't that critical on non visible parts. ie wiring harnesses, ight bulbs etc.- (O.K. let the bashing begin .... LOL)

I just wanted to voice my opinion about what has become a somewhat controversial issue to many, and express my opinion based on my knowledge about what happens in assembly plants and within the service parts divisions.

Many people are not even aware that in the 60's, 70's and up into the 80's most Manufacturers took the unused parts left in the assembly plants, after the model year was completed, and boxed them up and sent them to the service parts division to be sold as "service replacement parts" ie. NOS parts.

With advances in parts management / material handling, most plants are on a "Just in Time -JIT" delivery basis for their parts now. The Assembly Plants no longer keep a huge inventory of parts on hand for build. ie - 2 to 4 hours parts on hand today vs. 2-4 weeks parts on hand back in the day.

That's why back in the day there was so much substitution of parts when MFG. ran short on the current part, they'd substitute a like part that would function the same but may not be spec'd for the build. Most of the time the replacement part would be an "Upgrade part" ie. higher cost option part.

Today - we have groups of individuals who have taken the bull by the horn and spent their time, money and effort to provide the parts to keep our Cars and Hobby alive. Some have gone the extra mile to become licensed by the Manufacturers and get signed contracts to produce the parts, utilizing the trademark logos and part numbers/ marking etc. just like they were originally made. These as stated in my opinion are NOS parts. New - Old Stock.

Let's not all get caught up in the semantics of which is "better/ more correct", and bash anyone who uses a Licensed - new mfg. Part (IMHO - NOS part). They are using the best they can afford.

We should applaud each effort for the hard work, dedication and workmanship put into restoring the cars, and THANK the guys who produce our much needed parts.

After all that is what enables us to continue to enjoy our Hobby.

Time to step down off my soapbox ...... LOL

Also Scott - The Six Pack carbs you restored for me look and work Great - Thanks.

Best wishes to all.
