
.....to keep our Cars and Hobby alive.

I want to thank you Jeff for taking the time to share your thoughts as they relate to this topic. It is good to hear the views of those who represent the Heart and Soul of our Industry. I want to take just a moment to convey a thought regarding the input and continuation of our Hobby. Our group of guys (Steve Been, Dave Stuart, Tom Barcroft and myself) have been classified as a little eccentric (aka; crazy) for how we handle our restorations. These cars are NOT being restored for a "wow factor" or any other self serving purposes. It is however, very interesting to research and document the history of these classic machines! In order to better serve the Hobby a manufacturer/supplier should know first hand the trials and turmoil that a person experiences when restoring these vehicles. Unless you are intimately involved with the processes there is no way to truly relate with your target market. Researching factory processes to the "nth" degree provides a test bed for new products and ideas that can hopefully help others with their projects. Eleanor Roosevelt was quoted as saying, "people should learn from the mistakes of others since you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself". Believe me when I say that our group has encountered a tremendous amount of mistakes along the way. If we are able to come up with new ideas and concepts to help others with their projects then all of the sacrifice and hard work is worth it. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts Jeff!!