
The general complaints that I heard about the Mopar Nationals judging was that....they were being judged by judges that were also judging cars that THEY had restored for others in the same competition. ....

Discussing that comment is about like discussing the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or some other imaginary happenstance. No one at the Nationals restored a vehicle and then proceeded to judge that car. You might actually be confused WITH the ICCA. They are the venue that has Professional Restoration people involved with their judging programs....not the Nationals OE judging staff!


Now I am sure I will get another discertation talking in circles justifying this and maybe some excuse

It has become quite apparent that you have never been involved with the restoration of an OE vehicle! Why don't you take the time to investigate the specifics before criticizing them and you will realize just how ridiculous your sarcastic sentiment has sounded. Trying to discuss this with you is like speaking German to a person that doesn't understand the language. Just because you don't have the vaguest idea about what is involved (in doing an OE vehicle) doesn't mean that it wasn't properly explained. Your warped interpretation of the scenario has somehow become self proclaimed FACT! Why don't you make idiots of all us guys who have actually been involved with the OE venue for all these years! Take a couple of minuets to write up an instructional manual and make a fortune selling "An Absolute OE Restoration Guide" that morons like myself were unable to grasp!