

did you learn anything?

Yea as a matter of fact......I found out that the Ladies Foot Locker there in Parma will let you return those cute little slip-on shoes that you wear......I purchased a pair from your favorite shoe store last summer, But after Mark came down i figured out that i didnt need the pink slip-on's any more

I was more interested in whether you could keep a motor together for more than one run yet. The secrets not in the shoes, and they're camo, not pink.

Come on son your memory can't be that bad......What was it 3rd round i think, yea when Jenkins sent you packin after your loooong trip to Vegas circa 2007. I cant imagine what the shipping bill looked like from TCB to Jackson Drywall for all those Engine rebuilds....

People who live in glass porta potties shouldn't throw Rod Bolts.
Happy Trails Cupcake...Go back to work!