huh...looks like it only took a few minutes for me to get a bite, about rantings of a nutball...I know what got you all riled up and incoherent today...I forgot to refer to you as "Bear" and "Shadow"....sorry Bear/Shadow...

Bill Dewing(Ivory Soap)You don't really think your that smart do you?We were trolling for you quite a few post back.Go back and read if you can.If anyone took the bait it's you,your an easy catch.With all the problems that Fred Engenhart has,having you for a friend is his biggest one.Tell Fred what ever happens from here is on you. Charlie,sorry Bill Dewing had to come and steal the attention of your accomplishment.He needs to be the center of attention.I don't think his mother loved him enough so he was bottle fed from the git go.