
Hey Warfish, Are you planning on coming out to the Mopars at the Strip in Vegas this year? If so, maybe you and I can line em up for a little extra cash? You seem to be the top dog, so I figured I would like to line up with you. My car is also a 68 Barracuda, Full bodied 25.5, 3000+ lbs., on a little itty bitty 10.5 x 29.5 x 15 tire, with no power adders. What do you say? I am ready for anything, free race, low dollar, high dollar? Looking forward to your reply.

Better yet, why don't you put your car at 3563 lbs. and show up legal for SS/AM so you are racing against those with similar parts, and see how long you toot your horn eh? - build a legal SS/AH or go back under your rock bracket racer.