I may have found the problem or at least a contributing factor.

I finished a compression test and found the following:

#1...190 #2...190

#3...189 #3...190

#5...192 #6...195

#7...190 #8...192

This was strange to see. Earlier I wrote that I tested Cyl # 6 and got 173. It was a typo. I meant #5 and I have no idea of why it read that low. I tested it when the engine was still warm from a test run.
Nevertheless, These numbers I got today are actually higher than the ones I got with the '509 cam by 2 to 5 lbs per cylinder.
The numbers are as consistant from hole to hole as they have always been. Obviously this means that since it knocked with an average cylinder pressure reading of 188 it is going to be worse with an average of 191.