
The voo-doo cam lobes will work with chevy lifter diameters, just because they don't use that exact lobe on a chevy cam does not mean they are not chevy style lobes. Just look at the how fast they lift VS duration is on those lobes, they fall right between two chevy cam lobes in both lift and duration.

Patrick is correct, the narrow LSA is gonna suck all the fun out of the engine, either one.

Just to clarify I would use what I had even if it was just 383 stuff, even though I know the 5.9 magnum would be a better package.

The voodoo mopar cams do not work with chevy or ford lifters,they are a little safer(farther from the lifter edge by design) but not useable without the .904 lifter. Small lobes are fine with wide lsa's,your not going for power just a mild driver. When you put enough lobe in one you will need to tighten the lsa so as not to make a pooch.