


really, for a cheap build, i still think... grab a running 383

have the heads trimmed a bit at a machine shop, say .010 - .020 or so. nice and flat, probably drop the cc's by 3 or 4. put new valve seals on while you are in there, that way they can check the springs, make sure none of them are flat. a good new head gasket. if budget allows, a .500 or so cam. fresh up the carb. let her rip.

if you have a friendly relationship with the machine shop for the head cleanup you are golden.

i dont think you can go to a solid cam that will cost you because of the rockers. but it doesnt sound like you need solids, you will probably be under 6k rpm most of the time.

The plan is to just dump it in as-is, but with a new Whiplash cam (229/242, .518", 107 lobe sep), new springs, etc. Then port up my other 516's, have 'em chopped as much as i dare (.060"?), install some 1.81" exhaust valves, chop the guides a bit too, all new stuff, then swap 'em on later. That, with my SD intake, 800 carb, headers, MSD ignition, blah blah... should make that lil car scream...

check those 516 for core shift , they have small exh ports to begin with so going to that big an exh valve and it's require port work to make it useful might get a little scarey ???

I've done my homework (here), and i'm pretty convinced i'll be okay with the 1.81" valves, and the throat job/porting to make 'em happy. What does worry me about these heads is just the actual porting... I've got a good idea ov how far i can go and whats good in a typical 915/906/452/etc head, but these are supposedly thinner and more porous. I had no desire to hog out these heads, but i was going to do the usual stuff to them.... and not quite sure what i can get away with.

I suppose i could just sell that box ov new Ferreas and throw some old 1.74's in there, but then i'm still paying to have them back-cut. I bought those 1.81"s specifically for these heads.