If you knew everything, you would see it as I do. here is an example of what I have to deal with.
this is how he promotes his business, with lies. and on maries now is some more of the crap they are stirring. And in the meantime one of his main supporters on this board blew the motor jeff just built him up at milan last night, in low gear, on the first run.

this was an email his P.R. guy sent one of my customers

Garry Kopera <gkopera340944@comcast.net> wrote:

Hey just a little insight on this article. Charlie takes Jeffs heads and sends them to Jessel where a Head Porter(M2) does the work. Charlie did not develop the port. CW’s customers are still running Jeff’s heads. When CW gets heads from Jeff they are not complete he orders them that way so he can do the valve job. One more thing he constantly berates Jeff but never runs a decal on the car. Who pays contingency with no decal? Would you pay anyone? Where are all the warheads that he pushes and on who’s cars? The stuff sold to Teuton was last year’s stuff and they ran about the same as with Jeff’s stuff. Little Joes car has problems and he is replacing it with Bucky’s car soon.CW has a hard on for Jeff and tries to discredit him constantly. Any questions ..Ask me how I know!..GK

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