
Barry you most not know CW
Everyone is a STOKE,Retart or something he belittles others to make himself fell better about himself.Id quess it helps him makeup for something missing in his life.Something has to be wrong with the guy for the way he is.
I do give him credit for what he does but what else does one do when they come from money and gets everything handed to them.I hear he lives deep in the woods cutoff from the world hidden away like a hermit.
Hes the president of his own fanclub.And does one fine job of insulting others while patting himself on the back.

i guess that is why he wins alot of races he gets everything handed to him. I doubt he works hard trying to make more hp and developing new things for the hemi.

good thinking you big

Last edited by ajcjr; 12/23/07 04:35 PM.

stockers are way cool