



...we just need Charlie to to polish off those rough edges and be the class act the we know he can be....

whether or not you or anyone else thinks I am a class act is not going to change my life....

uh oh, cw, do you know who you just dis'd....it's one of the most well respected members of this computer board I hear...you may want to reconsider your position, sounds like he is disappointed in you...

Bill Dewing,Charlie doesn't disturb me at all.I have the utmost respect for him and his dad.They have accomplished much.I met Charlie once,very breifly.He is on top (what is there not to respect)I don't mind him busting stones I have said that I do it every now and then,usually with humor,unless someone like you(Bill Dewing)crosses the line.Which you did when you brought my late son Curt's name into your rantings of a nutball.Matter of fact the post was like Steward said I was trolling for a crap eating bottom feeder(sucker) and you took the bait.You again have crawled out from under the snakes belly,where you were hiding.If your smart you will crawl back under the original rock from whence you were concieved.You are the worm that I thought you are and most worms are a-sexual.So go right back to doing to yourself what your good at.Since you want to poke the Bear,tell Fred that I will take the gloves off and we will bare fist it from now on.Fred will be proud of you. This is just a little tidbit for you,only the beginning,If you could only stand on your two feet like a man then we can hash it out like men,but since you are realigated to just crawling on your belly I have to deal with you like the worm you are.Charlie,how'ed I do?Can I hang with you, and Respect to all(except the worm)Can we get an icon of a worm don't want to demean snakes(since he's lower than one)

huh...looks like it only took a few minutes for me to get a bite, hehehe.....talk about rantings of a nutball...I know what got you all riled up and incoherent today...I forgot to refer to you as "Bear" and "Shadow"....sorry Bear/Shadow...