
We are all proud of Charlie's accomplishments,we just need Charlie to to polish off those rough edges and be the class act the we know he can be.We want to be able to say we respect him not just for his accomplishments but also for the person that he can be.I get a laugh from some of his remarks but when it's done at anothers expence it loses it's humor real quick.I take a lot of ribbing on the site and dish out a lot,all in good humor.Not that I won't let some one know when they cross the line like Mr Bill Dewing Did.

whether or not you or anyone else thinks I am a class act is not going to change my life. What the people on this board that have never even met me dont know is I have a good sence of humor, and like stirring it up like anyone does. Stewart P thought I was a jerk till he actually met me at G-ville last year. I'm sorry but if you cant find a little humor in the mch short bus, I am missing something. everyone that knows me thought it was funny. Woo made it his screen saver!!


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