
Even if you aren't a fan of CW's you have to give him credit they are running good. It would be nice if everybody got along without cutting each other up.

I like to give credit to anyone who deserves it. And I don't have a problem with anyone busting stones when they deserve it.But alot of people see a shot to use it and jump on the bandwagon even if they haven't a clue I have no problem if Jeff and Charlie want to duke it out.It's when you do it on a site without the facts from both sides,people assume a lot.Then the and the starts and everyone looks bad.If Charlie is POed at Jeff for trying to take credit for his sucess,say so and if Jeff is POed at for not giving him credit then say so.If either is A fruit(gay) then lets here that to.Not that it makes much difference,I respect them both for what the have accomplished.If it's no ones business then keep it between them or between their inner circles.I would like to look upon great racers,engine builder,developers,with admiration and be envious in a good way(wish I was like them)Fame is fleeting,the type of person you are will last forever in peoples minds. I'am a fan of anyone that runs a Hemi