Stories like this remind me of my close personal friend that has a body shop. Painted a vette for a guy to his budget he said was tops. Guy was pleased and result was what he was told going I , based on hours allotted to bodywork at the price. Car was then take to another shop for interior as my buddy doesn’t do that.

Those guys dogged the work and charged him a bigger price to redo it, apparently not an issue this time. Hmm.

That shop butchered the body all to [censored]. Guy was pissed.

Brings car back to my friend. Price this time is more than before as the job by last yahoos left it worse than it originally was.

Guy is incensed. My buddy says well you spit in my face with this deal, plus you have all this money laying around you claimed not to have. If you’d just given me x much more the first time instead of penny pinching, you’d have a show car. You caused all this. Guy leaves.

Truth hurts.

I want my fair share