


ive always been told you run compression tight and extension loose,,, when starting off would you run in the middle of your adjustments or bias it one way or the other? how about compression 1/4 way between, bias toward being hard,, and ext in the middle?? or???

Many factors determine where to start. The lower HP applications should begin on the soft end of the range. Keeping in mind that we need to control the rear tire, I usually work the rebound first. Start out soft and keep feeding more rebound into the car watching to see when performance begins to drop off. Compression can be used to control down track "wander" or again to prevent the basketball effect just off the line. I haven't been one to simply say to start in the middle...It may take a few runs to determine how much is too much.

Eric maybe you should clarify some of the terms
you will be using just for a base line so everyone
understands... I know I use terms like rebound and
compression but others use extension .... I also
use the term jounce and rebound but others dont seem
to use jounce(this is from when I worked in the
suspension lab at Chrysler

Mr P, good point. Compression and jounce are the shock compressing-coming together. Rebound/extension is the shock pulling apart. I will try to use compresson and extension as the baseline...sometimes I find that the term, "rebound" slips out where I mean extension.