

One way that might mess up a delay box racer going off the top bulb is to program a random time delay between the first and second yellows besides the regular .5. Not sure if a couple to several hundredths would affect bottom bulbers who actually count down.

Cordova used to have a program in their tree for that Myron. I have seen it at RT 66 too. First yellow seems to hang on a little and then it kind of skips through the second.

Never bothered me because I stare at the bottom bulb, that and I suck to start with.

This is known as top bulb oscillate. If used correctly it pretty much kills the use of a delay box. One track near me runs it every pass during bottom bulb classes. If a SP car comes over during time runs into one of these classes they end up with a really bad light or really red. It works!

AFCO, Rons Fuel Injection sponsored Dodge Challenger Mention Street Lethal Motorsports