I've followed the Matty box scandal since it broke. I have talked to literally a dozen people who "knew exactly what they were doing", and guess what? I've gotten 12 different stories that don't match at all. I've heard everything from the box ran the tach needle to it ran the brakes on the car and a nitrous system.

Guess what else? A Matty box is still perfectly legal to have in your car and use, as long as it does not transmit real time data to the driver on track. You can "possibly" make a RacePak do way more than a Matty box anyway.

Anyone else remember the infamous "Willy Raymond" thread on the Super Stock board a few years ago? It went 150+ pages and had well over a million views. Guy was making claims that he had in his car systems to control the car and run dead-on with a near perfect light with sensors planted on the track, and a satellite uplink on a laptop in the stands. He was going to bring the car to Firebird Raceway and prove how it all worked.

He disappeared into the wind, the whole thread was bullshirt just to get people wound up.

Are there people out there cheating? Sure. People will always do that. Is it as widespread as some would like us to believe? Only on the Internet.

Wanna be deadly consistent? Light car, big motor, alcohol, Powerglide, big tires, and make more than 12 passes a year.

One last thing. If you leave the track without your check they will mail it to you.

"Everybody funny, now you funny too."