"I have a real hard time accepting that philosophy. Ceating is still ceating. Like holding cards in a poker game, it's cheating, and to join them would make you a ceater too. I'm not infering that you are, but accepting that thought process, makes it acceptable. They need to catch them or at least look for it. That's their job!!!! (NHRA)& (IHRA)"

I think most of us here more than likely agree with you in principle. But, like BG said, we live in the real world.

The problem I have with bracket racing anymore is that there is no "fun" factor in it anymore. It's like going to work, full of yuppies who feel they have to win at all costs.

I have been moderately successful over the past forty years or so, and I have long since given up the thought that I am ever going to make money at this. So, I prepare well, and do the best job I can do (I'm still pretty competitive), but I'm not ready to burn someone down or punch someone out in order to win. But, I see it all the time, especially at these big bracket races. No one talks to each other, everyone walks around with their "game face" spoiling for a fight.

One of the BG team cars, Don Martek, took out a very serious bracket heavy hitter several weeks ago, went over to shake hands after word and the guy wouldn't talk to him. What's up with that?

Have fun. Over the long run, the memories and the fun are the only lasting thing you'll ever get out of this game.

"Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm, every time!"

East Central Director / Chrysler Power Magazine
