Skippy and I rode back to Dale's with mom, in her PT Cruiser, while Dad was ahead of us in the flatbed. He disappeared around the back as we parked out front. I bailed out of the car and sprinted to the back yard as fast as I could, but it was too late, he was already flapping his gums to Boone.
"You tell him a word, and I'll punch you square in the mouth old man!" I shouted.
Dad turned and looked at me, slack jawed.
"Boone leaned back, crossed his arms, and laughed, "Too late, he already told me!"
"Dang it Dad! I was going to charge Boone and Dale for their share of the mounting and balancing...we could've charged Boone thirty, and probably got seventy-five from Dale!"
"I just don't understand why you boys do stuff like that to each other!" Dad threw up his hands.
"What do you mean, Dad?" I winked at Boone, "we do it to you all the time, you just never catch us!"
"Well...", his face reddened, "I believe it, you boys have been in my wallet since the days you were born!!"

Boone pulled out the new "Spirit Of Drag Week" traveling plaque, and beamed , "What do you think?"
I groaned, "He misspelled Steve Bowyer's name!"
"Ok, I was afraid of that...I'll take it back in the morning and get it fixed!"
"What did it cost to get that built?" Dad enquired as he looked over my shoulder.
Boone ran his hand through his hair and mumbled, "You don't want to know Dad, you just don't want to know!"

P.S., this pic is after the plaque was corrected.

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"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines