

there is no way in hell the IHRA or NHRA could be linked to any of this.

The lawyers do not care, they get paid by the hour.

Everyone with deep pockets is hit, everyone.

Sue NHRA, the makers of Grand Theft Auto, etc. It costs pretty nothing to engage in lawfare and if you are lucky you will get a bushel of cash just to go away.

Happens all the time man.

Few years ago, a kid in a "hot rod" Mustang, plowed through an intersection, hit a mini-van, killed a family. Every, I repeat EVERY company that manufactured an aftermarket part that was on that car, OR the car had a sticker for, got hit with the suit. So THAT is how you link some seemingly irrelevant company or person.........Now they WON'T win and they KNOW they won't. But you sue ENOUGH people for millions of dollars each, you will likely collect enough "go away" money to come out good. And in the above scenario, all the "we are anti this, see what we are doing" stuff in the world, won't make a damn bit of difference. Still get hit with a suit if the plaintiff is so inclined.