I've tried to do a pretty extensive amount of "reading around" on this over the last 10 days or so.
Don't ask for sources as I've read so much I'm not sure where some were found.
What I've been able to determine was that S/O Producers were contacted in season 1 or early in season 2 by the NHRA wanting a percentage or some type of "deal" from the show due to its "drag racing" similarities.
They were told to pound sand by Pilgrim Productions.
Now a few of NHRA's participants are also appearing on S/O. I can see where there may be a conflict here...but to dictate what you do in your personal life, offtrack from NHRA is a strong leap from what the reasoning in the letters stated.
As an outsiders OPINION as I do not now or ever will hold an NHRA competitors license I initially thought this looked like a money grab...but where were the motives? How could they cash in?
Tossing out all the internet drivel both pro and con I developed my own OPINION.
After reading what relevant information is out there I've come to MY conclusion that they are plain and simple butthurt. The letters were a way of making sure that others did not follow in the footsteps of those receiving the letters. Maybe a "stop the bleeding" tactic.
It's basically a "agree with us" or be banished policy. Which in itself is a conflict of interest for the original reason NHRA was formed...which was to get "street racers" off of the street.
The one thing to me that doesn't make sense is if your TRUE goal is to get racers to the track why would you "banish" members only to have them do what your entire mission statement is against.
The ironic thing is the amount of hypocrites all over the net that condemn this when ALL have "street raced" at some time or another.
"I" think was a hastily...very poor thought out decision by NHRA that will reflect badly on them in the future.
I would be interested to see over the next two years or so if the number of NHRA members rises or drops...that would be a telling tale of how well this decision went...it may end up not even being noticable.
