



It's just a grandstanding ploy, because the show is kicking their butts in the ratings. Seems to have backfired on them.


I am surprised so many think the the NHRA is so vain that they give a rat's ass about the rating of a (semi)reality show. Heck they are not even in a competing time slot.

I keep seeing guys saying NHRA just wants a piece of the pie. I can't fathom how the NHRA could possibly benefit from an association with the SO's. The whole premise of the show is illegal street racing whether the actual filming session are done on a closed course or not. This premise goes against why the NHRA was founded and really serves to fuel those in the general public that wish to mimick what they see on tv. To support the show in any way or form would be unbelievably hypocritical on the part of the NHRA.

It would seem with all the crap they have stirred up, that they give a BIG rats azz. What, you think this is the only time some NHRA members have probably knowingly street raced, and NOW they care..............ummm ok.


Monte you are 100% correct...

why on earth would NHRA care about a tv show promoting illegal street racing.

your to close to this and the twist your putting on it proves it.

Yep.......you're right. NHRA cares absolutely nothing about a bunch of "fake" racers, doing "fake" racing on TV.......is that what you are saying. Yeah, I can see that by their actions. Not sure why they are even wasting the paper to threaten people they don't care about. Guess they are just bored or something.

Seems they have no problem with one of their "star" racers posing nude on a stack of tires, yet are busting a bunch of street racers balls, over what, a "morality" clause in the fine print on a piece of paper. Makes perfect sense to me. I stand corrected. Better be careful and NEVER break a traffic law, as they will be within their rights to pull your license it would appear.

And I am not trying to "spin" anything. As mentioned, well known PRO racers have been involved with street racing for years. Remember a bunch called the "Ramchargers" and a place called Telegraph, where the behind the scenes "factory wars" were playing out. Guess that was top secret and nobody knew, huh! Yet NOW they(NHRA) care about that image. Seems a pretty odd coincidence now that this show is obviously not just a flash in the pan and they have developed a conscience.

Several of the guys do NOT have NHRA licenses and NEVER have, yet are being threatened that they will never be allowed on NHRA property. Yep, I can see how that thinking works. That will certainly curtail the evil "street racing"
