
My .02

When you SIGN a license (be it NHRA, FISHING, DRIVER's, etc.) you are VOLUNTARILY Agreeing and binding yourself to comply with all the rules and regulations stipulated in that "contract"....in exchange for the privilege of carrying that license. The Licensing Party therefore has the right and responsibility to CALL YOU OUT ON IT IF YOU ARE IN WILLFUL or otherwise) VIOLATION OF THAT CONTRACT. Maybe that's not cool, and it's not convenient but nonetheless....they are THE RULES....Am I missing something?

A signature, a man's word, a handshake used to mean something in my day....if you don't like the rules or can't or can no longer comply with them....DON'T SIGN the [Email]D@MN[/Email] THING!

If you don't like the rules, or feel strongly that they need to be amended, then Man up and fight to change them. Don't blame the agency for "singling you out" by reminding you that you are stepping across a line you agreed not to cross.

I'm NOT TAKING THE NHRA's side on this, I'm simply stating that people need to think about things before you sign into them. Can you (are you willing to?) live up to your end of the deal?To me it's the same as signing for a loan, or (getting real old school here) shaking hands with someone on a deal.

Since I dont have a license any longer I dont recall
what the rules are.. do they go beyond the race track..
can they dictate what you do in your every day living