I personally love the show I know most of it is staged that's all fine and dandy as long as the racing is racing and it looks like it is.
As for the haters just don't watch the show simple as that I don't care what you like or don't like but last time I checked we are a free nation at least for the time being that might change to looks like but that's another subject.
Hell I loved Breaking Bad to but it didn't make me want to go build a Meth Lab in the garage.
Street Outlaws doesn't make anybody do anything we are all responsible for our actions and if someone got the itch to street race because of the show well they know its illegal to do so I think all this talk about banning the show is silly this is the USA not the USSR once again at least for the time being. DONT WATCH IT IF YOU DONT AGREE WITH IT. I love the show.
Let the haters jump straight up and down now over my comments. This will be my one and only comment on the subject. Good day!!