


What a waste of taxpayer money. If what his attorney says is true, the MOST they can charge him with is participating in an unlawful gathering.


Not true Monte. He was a participant in a knowingly illegal activity that caused the death of someone. Same as the passenger going along on the ride of a known robbery and someone gets killed. Even though that person may have stayed in the vehicle, that person will also be charged with murder.

But most likely, he will plead it down to something lesser.

So was EVERYBODY else that attended. They going to charge everyone in the crowd with murder. Illegal street racing is NOT a felony offence. This would be like you are your buddy out base jumping(while is illegal). If he died, would YOU be charged with murder?

I am just defining the law... But yes, they all could be charged. And there would be a justifiable difference for the responsibility of the crime between the owner of the car and a spectator who was watching. If the spectator was not watching, the death still would have occurred. The same cannot be said about if the car was not involved.

And yes, depending on the state, you could be charged in the death if you and your friend went and did something illegal and he died as a result. I can assure you here in Texas if me and someone else went flying down a highway at 169 mph (which I did in my AMG and will NEVER do again) and we crashed and he died, I would be charged with his death.