I understand what you guys are saying. YES, we know street racing is illegal. YES, we know it can be dangerous and YES, we know it goes on all the time and will continue to do so. Posting links to all the clips and newcasts in the world won't change that fact. You mourn for anybody who is hurt.............But, lets face a few facts here as well. If you are KNOWINGLY at a street race, as these dudes apparently were and your choice of vantage points is ON THE CURB, where the cars will be racing between at full speed, YOU are an idiot.

Would you stand on the track at a dragstrip if they let you? Do you see guys lining the streets watching on the TV show? At some point, even though something is dangerous, YOU have to use some common sense and be responsible for your own well being.

I have street raced and think most ANYBODY who has or ever had a performance type car, or any car for that matter has engaged in it in some way or another. Have you ever quickly closed the gap on the guy who flies by you on the expressway, before he can cut you off. Have you made it your mission to "beat" that guy to the next redlight, or hammered by somebody to get in front of them to make the next turn. Have you finally got by a guy in the left lane and nearly took his bumper off, when you shot back in front of him. All this stuff is DANGEROUS. Is it as dangerous as lining up on a deserted road and seeing who is faster. In some cases, our everyday driving and things we do is much MORE dangerous than a clandestine street race, because of the others around.

I think it is crazy, to think this show is trying to "glorify" street racing. It is simply a TV show. So lets not try and tie street racing fatalities to this show. That has always happened at times and will continue. But if you DO go to a street race. DON'T stand on the damn curb.
