So you think this show is having no affect on people coming out and street racing? And YES I do think many in todays society are to stupid to tell the difference. I think many comments I have seen on this subject make a pretty good case for that.

I never said it would stop, been going on for years and will continue to do so. Does this me an it should be glorified and promoted like it is? Do you really think it is a good idea to promote an ILLEGAL activity on TV and glorify those who partake in it?

You must love them moonshine shows too. Maybe we need to show more people getting away with felonious activity and promote them for the good of society as a whole. Many on here and all over the net hold these people up on a pedestal of fame and shower them with praise. For what, committing an illegal act? They themselves have admitted the "test hits" they do are indeed on public roads, thus are breaking laws.

Holy crap no wonder society is the way it is these days. If this is how people truly think nowadays how far can we be from our demise as a society. When in Rome I suppose, did not end well for them either.....

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"