
My point is, that in a round about way, anybody could be charged with anything. Charging and making it "stick" are two different things. May have been "his" car and yes, he was at the event participating, but a murder charge will never stick to him.

I know a guy who got in this same mess a few years ago here in Alabama, at a street race in Birmingham. Guy I know was driving another mans car. Same thing, got loose, in the crowd, guy died. In the end, they didn't even care who owned the car, only who was behind the wheel. Driver here ending up doing about two years in county lockup, while being allowed to go to his regular job during the day.

Now they might be trying to lower the boom on this guy, but any decent lawyer, will break that down.

I am NOT diminishing the fact that someone died here......but to go after the owner, who was NOT driving the car.....c'mon. How about putting a little effect into WHO was driving and fled the scene.

...and I assume it was for manslaughter, not murder, correct?