Start with one word WOW. This is quite a thread. I just wonder how far does the policing of your personal life go. Is NHRA going to watch every YOUTUBE video and give all that participate in such acceleration videos the boot out of NHRA for performing a pass on a street or Hwy that might have their NHRA number or a NHRA sticker on the vehicle. How about all those bikes that do stunt driving videos and might belong to NHRA are they getting the boot. The future drag racers with their Tuners do a lot of high speed racing, 50MPH on , 70MPH on, I do not here NHRA crying about them. The Internet is full of all kinds of stuff with crazy acceleration videos or people just having fun. It is your choice to do it and if you get hurt it is your fault. I use to drag race on the street every weekend years ago. Then decided to go to the track again running a class car and the car got faster and the cost got to be so expensive with little or no pay out that you go back to the street and have fun again. The expense is a direct correlation on how fast you go, but the pay out at the track does not have that correlation rate and are much lower. It gets to be if you win every week it still does not pay for your expenses and that does not include the rebuild during the year or at the end of the year and all those safety upgrades that appear every year in the rule books. Good luck NHRA, you cant afford to run your own show and now you want another expense of policing my and other fun.