


If a high profile NRA member suddenly began a super popular TV show glorifying "outlaw hunting" (aka midnight poaching) you can bet your butt the NRA would try to put as much distance between that member and themselves as possible.

Already addressed this- All NHRA had to do was issue a statement indicating they don't agree with the ***reality TV show*** Street Outlaws and people should attend a real NHRA event to see what all the action is about while quietly working with the Street Outlaw producers to remove any NHRA related signage.

It would have been a win-win for NHRA and Street Outlaws. Instead NHRA shot themselves in the foot and Street Outlaws will rake in the cash.

I for one like the no bs stance they took. Some see it as them shooting themselves in the foot, while others see it as them not compromising what the NHRA stands for. Heck, they issue the license, they can suspend it if the like and what does an outlaw need a comp license for anyway? Lol

How would you feel if your state revoked your license because you have competed in Drag Week, and they deem that unexceptable?

526 cubes of angry wedge, pushbutton shifted, 9 passenger killer!