


For those who care, from the horse mouth so to speak. Remember a comp license is a PRIVELEDGE NOT A RIGHT.

Please cite what section of the NHRA rulebook they are violating.

Street racing (however real or fake) does our hobby no favors with those in our knee-jerk govt who would LOVE for us all to be driving Toyota Prius's. That is the bigger picture here. The NHRA knows it and the SO's don't care as long as they get their thrill.

I think part that is false. The show HAS got many people into the ideal of at least having some type of hot rod that befor never considerd a car/truck anything more then a way back and forth to work. I have a neph. That now wants to buy my 69 satellite tubb it and put a procharged hemi into and take to car show. Mostly because of the street outlaw show. Which up to bout 3 weeks ago (because of me) he had never even heard of the show. Im sure hes not the only one...

1970 barracuda convert. 1 of 59
1970 pro street A.A.R. clone (panther pink)
1971 charger
2015 hellcat challenger. Redline red
2014 quad cab 4x4 ram 8 speed hemi