If the NHRA pulls anyone's license, let's start a CrowdFund to support a lawsuit against the NHRA. As has been mentioned, the races on S.O. actually have local L.E. approval, so they are not as outlaw as either they or the NHRA would have us believe.

It would be interesting to hear what the courts would have to say about that. And besides, the NHRA should not have the final say.

What is it with all these organizations getting ahead of law enforcement? NFL, NBA, etc, all suspend or worse BEFORE there is any legal resolution. What happened to innocent UNTIL PROVEN guilty?

In the case of S.O., there may not even be a real case of criminal street racing. Isn't that a decision for the local cops?

Here's my $20 to go after the NHRA if they suspend anyone's license.

Master, again and still