Originally Posted By feets
Sorry I'm so late responding.
Get the 10 digit part number off the plug housing (***-***-**-** format) and call a local MB dealer. They can search the number in the parts catalog and find the proper terminals. You can then add your own wires. Be sure to get the wire grommets to weatherproof the connection.

I'm not working today but now I know why Andy was asking for that info.

No apologies needed mate, your help is appreciated.

The number on my plug seems to be the same as seen on every version I have seen i.e. 2205450329. A phone call to a MB dealer in Spain will be like pulling teeth, we do have a dealer about 30 odd minutes away so will visit them Monday. Depending who is at the parts counter will dictate how successful I am, as I do not have a chassis number to work from may make it difficult.

I will report back as soon as I know something, perhaps there are cable options?

Many thanks.

