Thanks for following me with this Dave, your time is appreciated.

The blinking LED at start up/shut down/full speed is not for me, so that's put to bed.

So, we need the extra module built to match the diagram from Alec and this be driven off the speed signal, unsure if this will be a problem as he thinks a PWM of >20% will bring the LED on.

I am unsure what you mean about there always being a 25% PWM when the fan is moving? Are we talking about when the fan is being blown round by air forced through the rad when the vehicle is in motion?

When you say there may be 12v present, is that on the PWM signal?

Excuse my ignorance with this Dave, BTW the fan did not arrive yet but would still like to be able test it when it does, would that be possible?



Last edited by Dave 2000; 11/13/17 06:29 PM.