Yep its all your fault 'feets'..........but I am glad you did mate.

I have no air flow issues at all, just finding a decent GENUINE Lincoln MK VIII two speed fan a RPITA, my present one slowly dying a death, so looking for a reliable replacement that is readily available.

All my wiring/relays are up to snuff to kick the fan into life, but of course that is already taken care of by the Mercedes setup, if nothing else the Mercedes setup is tidy and waterproof to boot.

At present my two speed unit running on slow easily cools the engine, and the high speed comes in for the AC, I have a custom dash mount for LED'S for speed indication and other 'stuff'going on around the motor.

I am keen to keep my dash as is, it was not cheap having he dead front material etched.

I will look for the 12v only fan and experiment to see how it fits etc.

Thanks so much for the fan ID pic, at least I know what to look out for, same to Andrew and Dave for their help as well.

I may be back for a controller yet!

