We're all on eggshells when it comes to this and our Parents secret Beef stew recipe. This coming to you from non other than Chef-Boy-R-Lee. LOL.

In opening, My waiver starts with myself and I being courageously funny to try and view both sides of this spiked fence. Some key words and or phrases are capitalized to protect the not-so innocent.

Here goes:
I bet the same can be said of why A GOOD AMOUNT of other makes out there are running on lap topped electronic injected units and twin hairdryers or single Saxophones while a good amount,BUT NOT ALL Mopars are still on manifold mounted Carburetors tweaked by pocket screw drivers and drill bits. Some higher level things are just simpler, more advanced and precise for THOSE IN LINE FOR IT with a pinch of mystery whether they go fast or not.
Some other DONE THAT, BEEN THERE things and springs are just simpler, cheaper and nostalgic for those in line for it with a pinch of mystery whether they go fast or not. I mean, carbs are still being figured out! correct? ThumperD and others that he gives credit to have proven that with good results and the same could be said about springs coming around as well especially with alternative engineering methods the likes of Cal-tracs, Launchers, assassin bars or back door blacksmithing.
At the end or beginning, we're all trying to pass a bill for cars that NEVER are QUITE FINISHED. If they were finished, so would we.

In all seriousness, I understood Monte's question from a few points and correct me if I'm wrong, In getting into the molecules and beliefs of these leafs, he probably just wanted to kick the can down the road a little bit to see what the consensus among racers are still doing about this crucial component of performance with maybe hoping that SOME WOULD EXPERIMENT with alternatives like he did or just graduate to higher levels through this type of discourse. or........... MAYBE he's mystified on the mystery and just wanted to break into the safe of the "DIRECT CONNECTION" safe haven and get down to the nuts (us) and bolts of these parts.

So here's my card. I'm a traditionalist..... and because of that maybe I'm a candidate for self inflicted struggle to get where I supposedly think I should be, but for many reasons that are eggshell bombshells, I am happy right where I'm at with Leafs and that is all that matters as well as for others that think the same or are JUST STARTING with their cars.

In short, I value Monte's and others on here with their word and sometimes hook and sinker threads because that is what stirs the moving parts within Moparts. He has a lot of valuable information based on the fast cars he's run through the years and the fast crowd that he runs with.

Monte, sorry I added some spices to your recipe for the BEEF stew. LOL.


Last edited by fullmetaljacket; 01/17/17 04:50 PM.