Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Originally Posted By GTS340
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By GTS340
7 pages worth of discussion regarding super stock springs in 2017....absolutely mind blowing
I know right.......LOL!!!! I might start a Dana thread next and then an iron head one as well.......LOL!!!!

Might as well do one on mushroom cams while your at it

I get a kick out of how some of the guys laugh at our old ways but STILL can't run as fast as we did with this junk many years ago. LOL. Many of us have moved on and go even quicker now but many run top of the line equipment and STILL go slow.
You can make a car run or you can't. You can make a car work or you can't. It's about using what you have and knowing what to do with it........the whole POINT of this thread was to point out the lack of "Magic" parts. And whatever some say, there is nothing magic and or special about SS springs. They were simply configured right for the job they needed to do from the factory, so were an easy bolt on. If you KNEW what you needed and how to do it, you could achieve the same in your garage. The reason I started it? countless suspension threads here and the overwhelming "fix" is you need SS springs and rancho shocks. Like that is going to magically fix everything. Here is a thought. How about evaluate the car and the problem and figure out what the car NEEDS before throwing parts at it, because they worked great "back in the day". This isn't the 70s. Everyday streeters have more HP than most Super Stock cars back then and have more power than most early Pro Stocks had as well. Plus we know tires are tracks are WAY better. And we also know Pro Stock went away from leafs nearly immediately, yet we think that's what everybody needs now????? How does that even make a little sense.

My GTX went low 8s at 3200lbs over 20 years ago with a 446" motor. Everybody is "wow, that's fast, how did you do it". The point is DON'T do it like I did. The car could have been lots faster knowing what I know now. The point? While it worked ok then may be fine for some, there are MUCH better ways to do things NOW. Personally, if I built something now, that worked or ran as good as it did 20+ years ago, I would be seriously disappointed. If for no other reason than tracks and tires are light years better. Not to mention all the other things that are better. So even if you did build something "just like we did back in the day" it SHOULD be faster now...........most aren't. Why?

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 01/10/17 03:38 PM.