Originally Posted By krautrock
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By crabman173
For a beginner with the average bracket car they are a BOLT ON
So for guys that have yet to make the journey we all have and have learned to back half cars etc they are a great entry level item that is A Cheap--B--bolt on--C--they friggin work for average Bracket Joe starting out well into his learning year or so
So..do we still want new guys in the Mopar world? Or is it closed to just the "pros that Knows"?
New guys make the world go around and new guys rarely start with a pro level car or for that matter even a back half car so think about it a minute will you
We should want and do need new guys in the hobby---as per any endeavor staring out is starting out and usually means smaller $$ input until one learns what where they want to go with it all
So with that in mind PLEASE don't set a "trap" on here to laugh at and discredit things that have brought many of us a long way and things that would serve a rookie well to get started
Bret Farve does not make fun of high school quarterbacks or college ones that play with good sportsmanship and try hard
Don Garlits is the best racer I have ever known personally and he has been helpful and generous with his time every time I ever spoke with him--same with herb and many more they all understand that encouraging folks is key
Screwing around with them and LOL ing them is just sort of uncool IMO
I'm done...........because you and others still apparently don't even remotely get the point I was trying to make. I'd just as soon delete the whole thread and pretend it didn't happen

i appreciate the thread, there is some good info in it.
also i think most guys get your point.
No they don't, not even close. You say something that is considered a bash of something sacred in the Mopar world and they go into full "defending" mode and miss the whole damn point. And I am through trying to explain what I meant.