Originally Posted By madscientist

I have said this mechanical stuff is like being on heroin. It's tough to shake off.

Interesting story, Monty. Cool to have had a dad like that with all that history. But sad that he got out and you all couldn't share the experience.

Funny that madscientist mentioned drugs.

I had a particularly bad season over 25 years ago and went through 3 breakages by mid-year. I was "done" for the season. After not racing for several months, I was watching American Sports Cavalcade, or one of those shows, which happen to be showing the NHRA Division 2 ET Finals in Gainesville. I qualified for it on a regular basis, many times as a track champ. They were showing all the action and the many people that I always raced against. While watching it intently, the girl I was dating was watching me and blurted out "What's the matter with you??? After not racing for months, not going to the track or working on the car, I had broken out in an obvious cold sweat while watching. I responded "Dammit, I should be there!".

Not meaning to take any addictions lightly, I developed a new respect for any type of addiction because that had to be some degree of withdrawal. Out of sight, out of mind, until I watched that show. I didn't realize my "addiction" was that bad until then. (But I always did pay the bills, etc.)