Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
That stuff is at my dads house, but I have no idea where. They moved into the current house about 25 years ago. There is boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of stuff in their attic. Would have no clue where to even start. And when my dad quit racing......he QUIT. Never went to another drag race until the day he died. All those years I raced my GTX. He didn't see it or anything else I drove go down the racetrack one time. He displayed no trophies, no pictures, no hint that he EVER raced. It was weird.

At his funeral, I had the 3 or 4 pics I have of the car on the photo montage they show in the lobby. Several people who had known him a LONG time said "wow, never knew he raced". It's like once that part of his life was over, it was OVER and he never talked about it.

I have posted pics of the car here a couple times, but they were from local tracks. I do remember his favorite photographer was a guy who worked for ND and other rags. His name was Marty Johnson. Marty knew my dad would by every pic he took, so he took lots............but again, I have no idea where they are

I remember Marty Johnson. It's been a while. But I couldn't help but think of war vets who don't want to talk about their experiences. Did your dad witness anything traumatic or lose a close friend at the races?